If you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to stalk this most elusive and beautiful deer you will need to be well prepared and patient. The best time is either early morning as dawn is breaking or when the evening light is fading when you will enjoy the best of the day and, to ensure success, you will need local knowledge to help you get in the right place at the right time.
The roe deer is quite small and weighs 15-35 kg with short antlers and a reddish-brown body with grey face. Its hide is golden red in summer darkening to brown or even black in winter with a lighter rump and only the males (bucks) have antlers.
The buck season is open in England from 1st April to 31st October and in Scotland from 1st April to 20th October (you can see our full deer stalking calendar here), and it is always an exciting time at the start of the season when the larger bucks start battling for territory and for mates.
Roe deer tend to found in woodland coverts and it can be hard to get close without the correct clothing, equipment and local knowledge.
What do you need for roe stalking?
You will need to wear either camouflaged or light green/lichen coloured deer stalking clothing with excellent freedom of movement as well as good pocket space to store your equipment and knives etc. You will also need a cap, face cover and gloves for total concealment and a backpack, binoculars, hearing protection, roe buck call in addition to your rifle and ammunition.
The thrill and excitement of roe deer stalking is intense, and you need to be very stealthy to get close enough to take that shot.
At ArdMoor, our team have the expertise to advise people about the latest lightweight technical stalking gear which is windproof, waterproof and breathable and which helps to make you invisible to the deer allowing you to get close and have a successful day.
As the roe buck season is through the warmer spring, summer and autumn months, keeping warm is usually not as much of an issue as not getting too hot. Ensuring your kit is fully breathable will help to keep your core temperature stable; this is especially important when stalking as periods of intense activity are often followed by long periods of stillness, so perspiration needs be able to evaporate away from your body rather making you wet and cold.
The majority of time spent waiting is often just as dawn is breaking or as dusk is settling, so carrying an extra layer is always a good idea. With the weather being less changeable in the summer months you also have the option to wear a fleece jacket rather than a fully waterproof one, with fleece having the added advantage of being completely noiseless.
When you are stalking you need lightweight noiseless layers that allow you freedom of movement with the ability to remove light layers during intense activity and add layers when you are lying still.