Line 7
Line 7 is a leading New Zealand brand making fantastic product for the agricultural market. With a wide range of outdoor work gear with differing levels of waterproofness and breathability so you can pick and choose the kit you need depending on what your planned outdoor activities might be.
Everything has been thought through so, if you are needing workwear to be totally confident in then Line 7 is definitely a brand you can relay on. Designed for the farming community first and foremost, their kit is really tough, robust and durable so you can choose it with confidence whatever you are out there doing.
Their product is designed around three main ranges. Two of those have male and female options and all three have jackets, overtrousers and bib-n-brace overtrousers.
Storm Pro20 which is fitted with a 20k/20k membrane, hence the Pro20 name. This gear is pretty much storm proof with maximum waterproofness and maximum breathability and is made for those who have no alternative but to be out in all conditions for prolonged periods of time. Feeding or checking stock on a quad bike in torrential conditions is just what this range has been designed to deal with.
Storm Armour10 which, as the name suggests, has a 10k/10k membrane making it really waterproof and breathable for sessions in filthy weather but where that time is limited rather than being out there all day in it.
Aqua Max which is at the cheaper end of the Line 7 ranges as it is waterproof but not as breathable as the Armour10. Ideal for those circumstances where you know you are going to get wet but where you aren't necessarily working flat out.